glacier national park,
seven THIRTY
In the evening

we eloped!

kaitlin draper
Ampersand sign
john mccormick

wednesday, june twenty third,
Two Thousand and Twenty one

seven THIRTY
In the evening
glacier national park,

Our special day started with a bit of anxiety seeing the overcast skies and rain out of our lodge window. The two of us opted for a simple ceremony in the mountains of Glacier National Park in Montana- it just felt like "us".

Together we put on our swankiest attire and journeyed a 3 hour road trip into the park. Thankfully the weather turned as we drove and the sun broke through the clouds as we entered the park.

The ceremony started at 7:30pm on June 23, 2021. We hiked, laughed, smiled and finally teared up and said our vows and sealed everything with a kiss at Sun Point, a very beautiful spot which overlooks Saint Mary Lake in East Glacier.

Afterwards we enjoyed a honeymoon exploring Montana and dreaming about our future together. Our fun filled trip included soaking in mountain Hot Springs, eating gourmet food at awesome lodge, taking boat rides to hidden lakes, and going back in time at a fancy hotel in the mountains. We also visited a thrift store and purchased a bunch of old dictionaries so Kaitlin could dissect the wedding bouquet and press all of the wildflowers (how romantic!).

When was the ceremony?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 @ 7:30 PM

Where was the ceremony?

Sun Point
Glacier National Park, Montana

You, our friends & family, mean a lot to us–we’re so excited to be married & look forward to sharing this joy with you soon!

Something old

Our cake rested on top of a beautiful crocheted table cloth handmade by Kaitlin's late grandmother Elnora Maxine Bossoloni Draper.


We kind of forgot about this tradition - and last minute we borrowed an old coin from Kaitlin's stepmother, Cindy.

SOMEthing New

John cut the cake with a beautiful pocketknife gifted from his new sister, Erin!


Kaitlin painted her nails blue. This was an easy decision because blue is her favorite color.


Kaitlin Draper

Loves dogs, rowing, road trips and being creative. Current hobby is finding and polishing rocks.


John McCormick

Loves dogs, airplanes, road trips and beef jerky. Currently in school to become an airplane mechanic.

A Brief History
Of Love

Aug 2018

Our first date was at 2-Silos brewery in Manassas, VA.

2-Silos brewery2-Silos brewery
october 2018

We dressed up as Fred and Wilma Flinstone for Halloween.

John and Kaitlin dressed up as Fred and Wilma for halloweenJohn and Kaitlin dressed up as Fred and Wilma for halloween
January 2019

Our first pet together. We co-parented a rat named Keto and designed him a fancy home.

Keto the rat in his bedKeto the rat in his bed
september 2019

A cross country road trip to Idaho strengthened our bond and we grew closer together. Especially since the car broke down in the middle of Wisconsin during a rain storm at night.

Hank, Lucy and Josie in the BadlandsHank, Lucy and Josie in the Badlands
december 2019

We had a fun date night visiting the White House to see the Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

Kaitlin and John in DCKaitlin and John in DC
July 2020

John traveled to Idaho to ask Kaitlins dad for her hand in marriage. He bought the ring and returned to Virginia to propose. Spoiler alert - She said yes!

Two hands holding eachotherTwo hands holding eachother
august 2020

We moved from Virginia to Idaho together.

Welcome to Idaho signWelcome to Idaho sign

John completed his first year at school to become an airplane mechanic. Kaitlin continued her work as a web designer.

june 2021

We're doing this!!

John and KaitlinJohn and Kaitlin
Wedding rings

We are registered with Zola

View Our Registry

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